Friday, April 08, 2005

The Coolest damn thing

Check out the coolest damn thing.

You can see maps of just about anywhere on Earth.

Google Maps

The coolest part is if you choose the "Satelite" option on the far right...
Check it out

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

INTERNET: Firefox for Web Browsing

Once you try this browser I doubt you will go back to Internet Explorer, with a few exceptions.

Firefox home

The best features are the tabbed browsing (really helpful if you look at 5+ webpages at a time), and the built-in ad-blocking/Image blocking.

You can find some helpful extensions. I mainly just use the flashblock as you can guess blocks flash animations unless you click on them to allow them.
Firefox Add-ins

INTERNET: Internet Traffic Report

Kinda a neat site to see whats going on the net, throughout the world.
Internet Traffice Report


I've added a couple of links. The first is google News... don't need to explain that one. The next is the best site I've found for Everything Planetfield my fave PC game (and Ghost Recon). The next two are Toms and Anand two PC hardware (mostly) review sites that I frequent.

Welcome to My Blog

Well I've decided to start using this blog... I'm not sure if anyone will read it but its for me as much as anything. It will mostly be about different technologies as that is where I spend a good part of my time. I will try to put a category as such in the Title so you can skip the ones that don't interest you! Enjoy