Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Peter Lik - Landscape Photographer

One of the best Landscape photographers around. (Image borrowed from Peter Lik's site)

Went to a few of Peter's gallery's while in Australia. They are nothing short of amazing and I don't use that word lightly. While I was in Cairns (where the first of his Gallery's opened) I visited the gallery at least 6 or 7 times (in 9 or so days) got a feeling you get when you know you are seeing something really special but know you can't take it all in at that moment. Even if you aren't a big photography fan if you have the chance to walk through one of Peter's galleries take it... they aren't very large but you will be happy you did.

While the webpage doesn't do his work any justice (you really need to see most of the work in large prints) here's the link

Peter Link Gallery

Monday, February 26, 2007

Gmail ... Something to be aware of

Something thats just come to my attention is that tim.bernes@gmail.com and timbernes@gmail.com will both be delivered to the same gmail account. Gmail doesn't recognize the dot in the email address. You still need to include it when you log into your account.


Net Neutrality in Canada

A good friend of mine sent me a link to this page about a very important issue will are and will be facing even more in Canada in the future. Net Neutrality is about having a "fair" (for lack of a better word) internet system.

Basically it ensures that "classes" aren't created for internet usage like they are in our society. The large corporations (with the money) control who gets what level service and can take censorship (even when content is legal) into their own hands. Like many things the "small" guy whether thats the consumer or smaller businesses end up paying for it.

Support Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality Canada - Neutrality.ca

Thursday, February 22, 2007

New Picasa Web

I've been using picasaweb for awhile now (8-9 months)and for the most part its great. It has what I'd call a very polished look to it. A good interface and using it with Picasa 2 is almost flawless.

Now there are a few things I think could be improved the biggest one being the ability to search other people pictures (not your fave galleries). Now I agree that the ability to have different levels of "access" to your photo's is a great thing but why not add a third level of access you can assign that allows everyone on the web (or require a person to login if you must) to search all galleries. I personally would call this the "public" access but doing that now might cause some confusion; call it "global" instead.

Another feature missing in my mind is a small but useful feature in Picasa 2. Now you can add tags to your photo's which is great but it doesn't seem to allow you to add multlple words as in "Opera House". You can add "Opera House" as one tag using the web interface but only one photo at a time. You can add "Opera House" in Picasa 2 but it will add two tags "Opera" and "house" but not the one. A small thing but hey.

The last is the storage size. Now the fact that they offer free storage space is awesome but what I don't understand is video.google.com offers unlimited space but PicasaWeb which now allows you to upload video now is "only" 250 MB. Now there is a chance its not managed by the same group/hardware so it could be that....

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My Pictures from down under

Hey here are a few of my favorite pictures from my year long trip to Australia. The trip was amazing I saw so much and meet some amazing people. Its great how much you grow and learn about yourself and life when you travel. Its not nearly as scary as you might think. If you are thinking about it... go for it.