Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Peter Lik - Landscape Photographer

One of the best Landscape photographers around. (Image borrowed from Peter Lik's site)

Went to a few of Peter's gallery's while in Australia. They are nothing short of amazing and I don't use that word lightly. While I was in Cairns (where the first of his Gallery's opened) I visited the gallery at least 6 or 7 times (in 9 or so days) got a feeling you get when you know you are seeing something really special but know you can't take it all in at that moment. Even if you aren't a big photography fan if you have the chance to walk through one of Peter's galleries take it... they aren't very large but you will be happy you did.

While the webpage doesn't do his work any justice (you really need to see most of the work in large prints) here's the link

Peter Link Gallery

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