Thursday, February 22, 2007

New Picasa Web

I've been using picasaweb for awhile now (8-9 months)and for the most part its great. It has what I'd call a very polished look to it. A good interface and using it with Picasa 2 is almost flawless.

Now there are a few things I think could be improved the biggest one being the ability to search other people pictures (not your fave galleries). Now I agree that the ability to have different levels of "access" to your photo's is a great thing but why not add a third level of access you can assign that allows everyone on the web (or require a person to login if you must) to search all galleries. I personally would call this the "public" access but doing that now might cause some confusion; call it "global" instead.

Another feature missing in my mind is a small but useful feature in Picasa 2. Now you can add tags to your photo's which is great but it doesn't seem to allow you to add multlple words as in "Opera House". You can add "Opera House" as one tag using the web interface but only one photo at a time. You can add "Opera House" in Picasa 2 but it will add two tags "Opera" and "house" but not the one. A small thing but hey.

The last is the storage size. Now the fact that they offer free storage space is awesome but what I don't understand is offers unlimited space but PicasaWeb which now allows you to upload video now is "only" 250 MB. Now there is a chance its not managed by the same group/hardware so it could be that....

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