Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The biggest environmental problem: too many people

This is an interesting article that had a lot of people talking and i think its an important issue.
I guess its really three issues in one. The first being "is our population really causing that much strain on the enviroment?" The second is "is there anything we can do about it... do we have the right to do anything about"?

I think that population raises in first-world countries like Europe and US/Canada will have more of an ill-effect on the environment then it would in poorer countries. In places like Canada more people mean more cars, more consumables, more waste. I guess you could argue that more people in poorer nations mean more land being used, more water required; it really seems like small potato's compared to one person in Canada though.

There are a lot of things we can do to reduce the amount we "waste". Will post some of those things here.

I guess the toughest and most contraversal question is do we have the right to limit population? Not really sure about this one myself. I mean often large families (5+ children) probably don't waste that much more then a family with 2 kids. I mean the big family probably car pools and they need to save money so they might re-use things more... maybe I'm way off with that one.

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