Friday, March 09, 2007

Picasaweb and all the new goodies

So Picasaweb (Google online images) have introduced some new (and great) features into their online web gallery community. The two biggest and most noticeable additions are the increase in online storage space to 1GB (from 250 MB for free accounts) and the search for the online community photo's.

What the search of community photo's means is if a person has put an album on picasaweb marked as "public" (rather then private) the photo's will be search-able (probably not a word) by everyone on the web. Now the "private" albums are still viewable by others (other then the person they belong to) but you need the specific link to the album to get there. Very cool in my mind; it should help picasaweb compete with the other online photo gallery's (like flickr).

They have also introduced "tags" which will help with the searching/sorting/organizing.

The info about the New features

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